Message: Towards an educational community that adheres to values and morality.
Vision: Achieving an educational community that is able to prepare responsible citizens cherishing the values and ethics of prophecy in religion and worldly.
Ultimate Goal: To enhance MySchool contribution in nurturing responsible citizens acquiring positive attitudes as well as being proud of their prophetic values by sticking to the noble ethics intellectually, emotionally and behaviorally.
Objective: We aim to deepen the students’ patriotism by maintaining its authenticity and value in the depth of their hearts. In fact, the love of the country has to be rooted in their spirits so that they are eager to represent it in their acts and then claim it to others.
One of the most important factors of success in the educational process is a clear identification of the intended objective through a complete planning that includes the way of functioning and the organization of the means leading to the desired target.
Since education is the basic unit of society in all ages, we can include the best example of our prophet Muhammad peace be upon him who was breeding his companions on the good virtues of Islam and teaching them the ethics of the right Muslim. From this standpoint, the real education is the morality and the ability to live in the community and communicate with its members and build it with others correctly on the basis of the virtues of morality and generosity of the Muslim ethic that God mentioned in the holy book, and urged upon by our Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in his speeches. Indeed, in the field of education in general and in the social studies subject specifically, we seek to inculcate the virtuous of the Islamic morality which is considered as one of the most important goals of the educational policy in the Sultanate of Oman. In fact, for the sake of instilling these values which have a critical role in building the Muslim’s personality, we have initiated this program under the name of “Ambassadors of values” hoping to God Almighty to help us to implement it optimally.
Project Objectives
- To contribute to the social development of the students through integrating the Islamic identity by knowing their rights and duties.
- To contribute to the physical growth of the students by encouraging them to maintain their personal hygiene.
- To build the personality of the student in a way to become a good citizen proud of his homeland and ready to sacrifice for it.
- To introduce the values of our Islamic religion to the students to be transformed into actions.
- To activate the role of teachers in instilling values through the curriculum.
- To establish a variety of constructive social values, such as cooperation, fair competition, and community service.
- To respect employment and employees, and estimate the value of work.
- To consolidate a close link with the Islamic identity, history and culture to follow the path of our Ancestors.
- To teach the student to become a self-reliant and responsible adult as well as a leader.
- To meet the social and psychological needs of the student such as the need oF belonging, friendship and self-realization and appreciation and to help the student to get rid of some problems such as anxiety disorder and autism.
- To educate the students and to give them a clear insight to the affairs of religion by simplifying the Islamic concepts in order to ensure that all of them that Islam is a comprehensive system addressing all aspects of life.